British boy band Bros have announced they are reuniting in 2017 after more than two decades. Brothers Matt and Luke Goss will join forces at London’s O2 Arena on 19 August 2017 to mark the band’s 30th anniversary – exactly 28 years since they performed their mammoth concert at Wembley Arena in 1989.
Matt and Luke confirmed the news at a press conference in London on 5 October hosted by Emma Willis.
Sharing his excitement to share the stage with his twin brother, Matt told IBTimes UK: “Music is a tumultuous place but it’s kept me safe in many ways and just to be on-stage with my brother tops everything. “It’s something we’ve been trying to get together for 20 years and to have my brother sitting here is an amazing feeling. I honestly didn’t think this was ever going to happen.”
Luke, who has forged a successful acting career in Hollywood, added: “Movies are not as glamorous as you think. It’s been a beautiful experience but this for me is a dream come true. It’s something I wanted to do at the right level and I think the fans deserve something that would stand up today. I’m like a big kid right now, I’m pinching myself. I’m deeply proud of the band and the fans who have turned up today, it’s humbling.” Dashing hopes of a new album, Luke explained: “We’re going to honour the songs and some of the key sounds. At this stage, other than my brother’s new record which I think is wonderful, but because it’s been so long, I don’t want to populate the show with new stuff. It needs to be a moment to come together. If it was to ever happen again then maybe so but at this point it’s a show that people are familiar with.”
At the height of their fame, Bros sold 17 million records and performed 19 shows at Wembley Arena including their 19 August 1989 date which attracted an audience of 77,000. Forming in 1987, the band rode high with a string of hit singles and albums but the brothers parted ways in 1992.
Addressing any nerves he may have, Luke said: “When you’re younger you think, ‘Where are the 70,000 people?’ As I get older I’m more conscious and very respectful of it. By the time we get there, we’ll be so prepared that we’ll just want to get out there and do it. Right now I’m extremely aware of what’s ahead of us but it’s a good excitement and a good nervousness.”
However, a confident Matt said: “I’m not [nervous] at all, I love it. I do so many shows a year. We’re just very well aware of our creative energy and force together. We have one interest and that is to better what we’ve done in the past.”
He also stated: “We don’t need to do this reunion but we wanted to.”
Matt and Luke performed 2 shows at The O2 in London on the 19th and 20th August 2017. They are also performing in Sydney Australia in November 2017.
You can watch some videos from the London shows HERE
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If any of these photos belong to you, please email me and I will make sure your name is credited.
Saw the film tonight. Left feeling emotional. Felt the pain and the love.
I can’t listen to forgiveness without crying. Beautiful song. Please release this as a single. It’s simply beautiful x
Loved the gig was a great blast from the past , still bros fan and always will be can’t wait for the video .
I feel gratitude? I’ve seen an interview about the reunion. And I am a mother of 2 boys: Matt 14 and Luke 8. It is quite hard to support their choices and my older wants to stay on stage (singing, dancing, acting) and also is interesting in clothes. Well, I am a single mum and I want all the best for them. You helped me to realize that I just want them to be happy. Sorry I am not your fan (I am old fashioned: no TV and mostly listen to classical music) but you inspired me in a different way and that is amazing.
What you guys did for my friend kelly and her daughter Jessica was amazing. Big respect to you. Massive hugs and wishing you everlasting peace. Thank you xxx
No pressure but Australia is waiting…. ??
So amazing having you back ??
It’s so great you guys doing the uk tour.. BUT where’s the Aussie reunion, I’m a Pom living in Oz I was there at wembley all those years ago… would really love to relive it again oh n I promise miss 10 I would take her to her first concert… meet & greet style… Have so much love & respect for you, your a very humble man.. would love to meet you.. ????????????
It’s so great you guys doing the uk tour.. BUT where’s the Aussie reunion, I’m a Pom living in Oz I was there at wembley all those years ago… would really love to relive it again oh n I promise miss 10 I would take her to her first concert… meet & greet style… Have so much love & respect for you, your a very humble man.. would love to meet you.. ????????????
Aussie Brosettes are waiting for an announcement!!?
Dearest Matt (and Luke),
I’m STILL pinching myself that #BROSareback ??? I’d all but given up hope! I’m so SO excited and feel like I’m 15 again!
#AussieBrosettes can only pray that the tour is extended to Australia. Your second biggest audience is SCREAMING for dates. If there was any way that I could have been there in August I would already have tickets booked, but alas – it’s just not possible, for so many reasons.
In a short space of time and with little media coverage, a small group of us have gathered nearly 300 like minded #Brosettes and #MGA from all corners of Australia, simply through social media.
With publicity, thousands more will become aware. A successful tour of Australia Is a fait accompli!
WE LOVE YOU! Please come and visit us! We will roll out the red carpet and show you a damn good time! ?
I’m loving the nostalgia the reunion has pulled up sadly couldn’t get in to get tickets for the 19th but going on the 20th and can’t wait I do wonder though if matt and luke wanted this to be as authentic (I hope that’s the word ) to their bro2 concert y did they choose o2 and not Wembley then it would have been same date same day same place and would hold thousands more than the o2 can I’m not moaning just asking
I’m going both nights at the O2……….. My obsession has come back, seriously can’t wait x
Can I just say it’s an absolute outrage that you have not shared your fabulous dna & so i would like to offer my help as a service to the human race ?
WOW. Great memories of chasing the “boys” all over he place. So happy for them they brought a lot of joy into many many lives, you cant help but smile when you see them. when I told my old brossette friend that we have to go see them, I also told her that just maybe I may want to have the bros flag draped across my coffin lol (that was one of my teenage requests should I meet my maker) can’t wait to see them….. bless em, and their mother so tolerant of us brossettes outside her house. Nowadays they would call it stalking lol. OH and sorry Brother Beyond band… I slated you on behalf of Bros, defending their honour x x?
Yaaaaay I love you Bros. can not wait to see you. Maaaatttt u still never answered my proposal 25 years ago, I guess it’s a no then :)))
I saw them 25 years ago in Milan….soooo cool
I DON’T MEAN TO SHOUT BUT PLEASE COME TO AUSTRALIA… #AussieBrosettes are waiting for youxx
Can’t wait for August 2017 I’ve just watched bros in2summer and brought some good memories of that day night whe I was 14 and I can’t wait to relive it ago but 27 years on and I would still
Marry you Matt ???????
Yes looking forward to that see Matt and Luke .I always seen on telly or in photos. But see them I be very happy to see them.:)
Unbeliveable!! Cant wait see you
together on stage
YES YES YES I can’t wait!!!
YES YES YES I can’t wait!
Looking forward to the show hope I get tickets…. Jacqueline from Scotland
Please live stream at least one gig on the internet for your fans around the world. We accept we can’t all be there in person for this epic event, but with technology now, we can at least be part of it. What a way to unite!
Please come to Perth Australia.
Please please you need to do Belfast. I was in hospital last time you were here. You made a surprise visit to the royal victoria hospital I was totally gutted I got out 2 days before. I was a total brossette. Bottle tops jeans even got my hair cut like yours. My favourite was the bundana
I’ve got tickets. See u on 19 the. 315 days and counting xx
Omg I’ve just died n went to heaven xxx
I cant wait to see u after all. Theses years such a great thing to be going to wohoo roll on the 19th august
please come to Australia…
I am so proud, excited and thrilled about the success of this for the both of you. I am counting down the days until the 19th when I will get a double hug and then have a night of dancing to the best pop songs ever!!!!!!xxx
Matt my daughter was in your sister video! I hope she can get tickets.
I cant wait to see you next year. Its been a long time but it will be worth it. Never stopped being a brosette. Love you guys
Hi Matt Hi Luke, wow wow wow, I will always be a brosette, and will be able to play my bros CD’S Once again, and I have the old Bros lp’s so welcome back guys can’t wait for the concert. good luck guys have fantastic fun.
Wow this is the best thing since sliced bread! So excited for you both and even more for myself that I get to see you back together! THANKYOU XXX p.s can I be your backing singer I know all the bits! ????
Well done boys! I’m reliving my teenage years I’m sure you both are too! ????
Oh brilliant i canny wait loves yas from sue uk
please please pleae do more dates, i am on my honeymoon or would have come, dont think my new husband would be happy to cancel our honeymoon, even though i would ha ..more concert date guys ..love always xx
Fingers crossed this is an epic adventure for you both…from a London Gal who is now in Oz x
Over the moon ive got my tickets.they cost a bomb but worth it.just make sure u do more dates &especially NEWCASTLE XXXXXXXX
Im So So excited!!!!! I have VIP tickets and I can’t wait!!! I was at Wembly Stadium all those years ago and was just as excited then as i am now!!! Congratulations guys!!!! See you on the 19th!!!! ???
This is going to be the most exciting of times for you two and I’m so happy for you both ??U and I augast can’t come quick enough but please can you make sure it’s filmed so we can have a keepsake ???
Eeeeeeeeeeek! Such nostalgia, I was indeed a hardcore Brosette ?
Please share! I am trying to get #mattgoss to sign his gold jacket when I go to the concert next year! I’m on a mission’ anyone that know me know how much I love Bros. he threw it out on the push tour! It would mean the world to me if he and #lukegoss would sign it! So please help me fulfil my dream! #brosreunion #signthejacket #kellynoble
Heartbroken that it’s becoming clear my anxiety will stop me from attending… Stop me from living a dream I have waited so long for!!
I’m certain it will be an amazing night ?
Have fun everyone… Relive your youth ??
Absolutely and totally so excited for this!!!
Matt and Luke, thankyou, love you guys always xxx
What a week & What a perfect day for ticket sales! #Worldsmileday ? A Huge Heartfelt thank you to the brothers! And to everyone else…See you all there! ?
Wow how exiting I can’t wait for this already got my tickets and booked hotel!! I’m like ‘The cat among the pigeons’ right now and have always been ‘madly in love’ with Bros. When they said ‘I quit’ this was ‘too much’ for the fans as they have always been ‘ten out of ten’. Now I’ve spent my ‘money’ to get the hottest tickets in town and will ‘try’ to contain myself until then but ‘I’ll count the hours’ until the O2 as I’m like a kid with a ‘chocolate box’ right now. ‘It’s a jungle out there’ in the music business but Bros asked ‘when will I be famous’ and 30 years later they’re still rocking it!!!
Now it’s ‘the time’ to get ‘push’ back to number one!!!
Fantastic news for us fans. Would love it to be broadcast too that would be amazing. Much love to you both xx
Please please come to Sydney! love you both so much! X
OMG – this is amazing. Please broadcast it for those fans that can’t get to the O2 or maybe even (fingers crossed) a DVD/Blu-Ray Release
Great Luke and Matt so proud of you Both of your Reunion Good Luck See you There . Thank you love you . Send love peace from Germany